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St. Ann's Catholic School

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From kindergarten through second grade, our students receive exceptional instruction tailored to prepare them for the higher-order thinking skills emphasized later in their education. We utilize the Wonder's McGraw Hill Program for reading and language arts, ensuring a comprehensive approach to literacy development, while Stemscopes Mathematics promotes daily mathematical fluency and problem-solving skills. To cultivate a well-rounded education, Nancy Larson Science as well as Studies Weekly social studies are integrated several times a week. Additionally, Sadlier's "We Believe" serves as the cornerstone of our religion curriculum, complemented by Sacramental Preparation for Reconciliation and First Communion and focused on enriching the spiritual growth of our students.
Once students enter third grade, these subjects become core content areas and guide students towards deeper understanding and critical thinking. As students progress, they lay the groundwork for success through a gradual shift from self-contained classrooms to departmentalized instruction. This high-level thinking continues through fifth grade and is designed to prepare each student for the transition to middle school. 

Enrichment classes in Elementary In our kindergarten program, students benefit from a well-rounded education that includes daily enrichment classes. They engage in physical education three times a week and visit the library once a week. Additionally, they participate in a dedicated elementary science Lab session weekly where they experience hands-on, lab-based instruction alongside engaging activities.

On top of the classes and weekly activities outlined for kindergarten, students in first through fifth grade enjoy a diverse curriculum. They participate in computer and Spanish classes twice a week, fostering technological literacy and language skills. Additionally, they engage in music and art classes once a week, nurturing their creativity and appreciation for the arts.